Ask Wrestling Addicted Mommy, Gina she knows. It's the one you bought only 1 year ago before you "Broke Down" and finally bought a "New One" made just like it!!
Gina's mattress review is that the mattress she bought didn't last very long and now she is considering buying a new bed instead of continuing to replace a "bad" mattress.
If it is made from Polyurethane foam, Memory Foam, Soy Foam or blended latex it's going to break down and sleeping on a broken mattress causes pain.
What's a better investment buying a cheap bed from China or a better mattress?
Most people sleep on a "Bad" mattress for 4.5 years after they are no longer comfortable. That's like going 4.5 years without proper sleep and support for your body.
Lack of sleep can affect your job, relationships, memory & your health. It has been proven a person can develop full blown Diabetes if they go without sleep for only 6 days. Driving sleep deprived can be hazardous to your health, yet so many people are sleep deprived and don't even know it.
Then finally you "break down" go out and buy a mattress made out of all the same stuff as the last one. Even though it was across the street at another mattress store. Here are the facts: It doesn't matter if you spend $200 or $3,000 on a regular mattress it's going to break down in 5 - 7 years. It is "Expensive" to keep replacing mattresses, not to mention the torture their bodies go through sleeping on a "bad mattress" for several more years.
Then sometimes people will develop a "bad back" and wonder what may have caused it? Yes, it might be a hazardous sport like wrestling or jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. Then things get worse, when you body that is already suffering or has a weakened immune system, has to sleep on a broken down mattress!!
Then comes the sleeping pills, pain pills, doctor visits, anti-depressants etc.
That is "The Most Expensive Mattress In The World."
If you want a really good comfortable mattress made with proper support that will last you decades with out all the petroleum oil, chemical flame retardants, PBDE's,Formaldehyde, Antimony (rat poison) all these thing either cause illnesses such as cancer, respiratory problems or are neurotoxins. Then what you really want is a organic mattress from Mountain Air Organic Beds.
Posted By:
Joyce Robertson
Mountain Air Organic Beds